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Голубая волна / blue crush (2002) - смотреть онлайн в хорошем качестве

Сюжет 2

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Энн-Мари прочно стоит на доске для серфинга, и у нее есть четкая цель в жизни. Когда-нибудь она победит в чемпионате «Пайп Мастерс», одном из самых опасных, зрелищных и, преимущественно, мужских состязаний в мире. С помощью своих подружек она прилагает массу сил и энергии, чтобы доказать свою силу в спорте и осуществить заветную мечту, от зари до зари сражаясь с необузданными волнами. Казалось, ничто не может встать между Энн-Мари и ее доской для серфинга. Но вот появляется симпатичный футбольный полузащитник Мэтт, и она… уже не так уверена в победе. Теперь ей нужно собрать всю свою волю в кулак. Ведь предстоит встретиться лицом к лицу со своими страхами и «взять» самую главную и непокорную волну.

(Источник описания: )

The Enchantment of Lake Sano Nggoang

You can even peek at the hypnotic panorama of Lake Sano Nggoang from the top of the hill towards Nunang Hamlet, you know! You can catch the brilliant green surface of the lake water on the horizon line, along with the green forest that is still natural and beautiful.

The rows of trees that surround you also present a natural cacophony that is still untouched by modernization – practically, the absence of the sound of touts or the noise of motorized vehicles is guaranteed to add to your peace of mind during the trip.

Lake Sano Nggoang is the largest volcanic lake in East Nusa Tenggara with an area of ​​5.500 hectares. Sano Nggoang itself comes from the Kempo language, namely Sano and Nggoan. Sano means lake and Nggoang means burning. So, Sano Nggoang means a volcanic lake or a smoldering lake.

Lake Sano Nggoang is located at an altitude of 750 meters above sea level. This lake has its own charm, namely the relatively high sulfur content. Therefore, bathing for skin health is the main reason for traveling to this lake. You can find hot springs at the end of this lake. In addition to bathing for healthy skin, you can also relax while riding a horse around the lake.

The scenery around Lake Sano Nggoang will be very soothing to your eyes because it is still very natural. In addition, Lake Sano Nggoang is also a habitat for several bird species, including the Flores endemic bird, the Flores Crow (Corvus florensis).

There are also several other bird species, namely mountain ducks, benjot ducks, Timorese Tesia, flores fan, and white tunggir cuckoo (Caridonax fulgidus). For those of you who can’t stand the smell of sulfur, we recommend wearing a mask if you visit this lake.

Wae Sano Village : Sano Nggoang Entrance

The entrance to Lake Sano Nggoang Flores for tourists is Wae Sano Village, or to be precise in Nunang Hamlet. Perhaps because this lake has been diligently visited by travelers, do not be surprised if you can find a home stay managed by the local community as your stopover while spending time here. The location itself is right on the edge of the lake!

Arriving at Nunang Hamlet, the local community is ready to welcome you through the Kapu Traditional Ceremony, which is typical of Manggarai. This traditional ceremony is held to welcome guests, and you as a new guest will be accepted once this ritual is complete. The location of Nunang Hamlet itself is right around the lake, and is directly adjacent to the Mbeliling Forest area.

Because Nunang Hamlet itself has finally developed into a tourist village thanks to the existence and popularity of Lake Sano Nggoang, it is not surprising that this hamlet already has complete facilities. In addition to the home stay mentioned earlier, there is also a tourist information center, tourist maps that you can get for free, to friendly and trained tour guides.

While spending time on vacation here, of course there is nothing wrong if you completely take the time to forget about the urban life that you have been living. Because, the beauty of the lake and the beautiful forest here is certainly a pity for you to miss.

Of course it can relieve stress and fatigue in your mind. Moreover, you can also enjoy the time while tracking visiting the range of hills and peaks that surround the lake. One of them is Puncak Poco Dedeng, where you can see Labuan Baju from a height clearly.

See also:

Well, that’s it about the magic and charm of Lake Sano Nggoang Flores. Interested in visiting it? Hopefully useful and happy holidays.

Sano Nggoang Crater Lake

Sano Nggoang Crater Lake is the largest volcanic in East Nusa Tenggara, with an area of about 5,500 hectares, this lake is considered as one of the deepest lake in the world which the depth is about 600 meters. Along the shore of Sano Nggoang Crater Lake there are couple of villages where local people live. These small agricultural villages contain only 250 inhabitants living in traditional woven bamboo houses or more modern wood or brick built houses, each containing its own garden. The village is bordered by the lake, plantations and hills. The remote location and small size of the two villages provides visitors with a tranquil respite from the hustle and bustle of Labuan Bajo.

Sano Nggoang itself derives from word Sano and Nggoang. Sano in Kempo language means a lake while Nggoang means lite. Sano Nggoang means volcanic lakes or lakes that are lit up. Sano Nggoang Lake is approximately 63 kilometers or 3 hour drive from Labuan Bajo-a small port city on the western tip of Flores Island and is the capital of West Manggarai. Labuan Bajo is accessible by plane from Bali. Then from Labuan Bajo through Transflores path, the journey continues to the Nunang village, the entrance to the Sano Nggoang Lake.

Sano Nggoang Lake is located at an altitude of 750 meters above the sea level. The lake is the main attraction because it has a relatively high sulfur content. A pungent sulfur smell will smell around the lake area. Therefore, bathing for skin health is one of the main objectives to travel to this lake. For bathing, there are hot springs at the end of this lake. In addition to the bath, there are many activities you can do here, among other things recreation with horses back riding around the lake, bird watching, trekking, and photography. From various activities we can do, enjoying the scenery is an interesting thing to do especially the nature and forests around the lake are still fairly natural and beautiful. For around the lake, you can ride a horse or trekking to enjoy the view of the lake from a higher place.

Lake Sano Nggoang has a beautiful landscape includes forests, hills, lakes, and the flora and fauna around the lake. All this becomes an interesting object of photography to preserve. Sunset also look beautiful in this region, so it is interesting to be taken with your camera. Besides beautiful and quiet, Lake Sano Nggoang is also a habitat for several species of birds.

To visit this tourist area, there are several things you should have considered. Due to the high concentration of sulfur, it is strictly prohibited visiting the lake during the rainy season. Bring a mask to cover your nose, just in case you cannot stand the pungent smell of sulfur. If you want to stay near the lake, there are some home stay of a resident which can be hired. All home stay provide mattresses, clean linens, mosquito nets, clean drinking water and other amenities depending on the home stay.

В ролях

  • Кейт Босворт (Kate Bosworth) — Anne Marie Chadwick
  • Мэттью Дэвис (Matthew Davis) — Matt Tollman
  • Мишель Родригес (Michelle Rodriguez) — Eden
  • Сано Лэйк (Sanoe Lake) — Lena
  • Мика Бурем (Mika Boorem) — Penny Chadwick
  • Крис Талоа (Chris Taloa) — Drew
  • Кала Александр (Kala Alexander) — Kala
  • Ruben Tejada — JJ
  • Kaupena Miranda — Kaupena
  • Аса Аквино (Asa Aquino) — Asa
  • Фэйзон Лав (Faizon Love) — Leslie
  • Fiji — Fiji
  • Шон Робинсон (Shaun Robinson) — Omar
  • Пол Хаттер (Paul Hatter) — Paul
  • Тамайо Перри (Tamayo Perry) — Tamayo
  • Джеймс Грант Бентон (James Grant Benton) — Mr. Pukui
  • Блоссом Лам (Blossom Lam) — Mrs. Milari
  • Paul Chicoine — Hotel Manager
  • Deniese Bee — Cashier
  • Rosie Jaffurs — Girl at Gas Station
  • Алана Мокк (Alana Mock) — Girl at Gas Station
  • Пол Чиконе (Paul Chicoine) — ‘
  • Дэниз Би (Denise Bee) — ‘
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;-) :| :x :twisted: :smile: :shock: :sad: :roll: :razz: :oops: :o :mrgreen: :lol: :idea: :grin: :evil: :cry: :cool: :arrow: :???: :?: :!: