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Is Katy Louise Saunders dating Song Joong Ki?

Katy is a famous Britih-Italian actress. According to the reports, Katy Louise has also worked with many famous actors and celebrities. However, there is no proper information is available about Katy’s marital status and past love life. Moreover, she loves to spend time with her friends and co-stars.

Katy Louise and Song Joong Ki

In December 2022, Katy rose to fame after her name got linked with Song Joong Ki. Let me tell you that, Song Joong Ki is a popular South Korean actor. As per Soompi, Song Joong Ki has confirmed that he’s currently dating Katy Louise Saunders. Both were also spotted together at various events.

Katy Louise Saunders Parents & Siblings

Saunders is a part of a well-settled Christian family. According to the reports, Katy’s father holds of British descent. On the other hand, her mother is Colombian. Due to her father’s work, she spent her childhood between London and Italy. Let me tell you that, her mother is a homemaker.

Katy Louise and her friends

She also received full support from her family. She also attended English School in Rome. This beautiful actress was raised in Milan along with her siblings and cousins. However, she does not share any images with her family members on social media. Moreover, she likes to spend time with co-stars.

Другие роли[]

Год Название на русском Название на английском Роль
1971 Отрыв Taking Off певица на пробах
1978 Испытательный срок Straight Time Селма Дарин
1986 На следующее утро The Morning After женщина на Матео-стрит
1988 Артур 2: На мели Arthur 2: On the Rocks миссис Кэнби
1989 Мужчины не уходят Men Don’t Leave Лиза Коулман
1990 Дик Трейси Dick Tracy миссис Грин
1990 Мизери Misery Энни Уилкс
1991 Жареные зелёные помидоры Fried Green Tomatoes Эвелин Кауч
1991 Тени и туман Shadows and Fog проститутка
1992 Прелюдия к поцелую Prelude to a Kiss Ли Блиер
1992 Второе дыхание Used People Бибби Берман
1992 Несколько хороших парней A Few Good Men
1993 Наш собственный дом A Home of Our Own Френсис Лейси
1994 Норт North Alaskan Mom
1994 Проклятье голодающего класса Curse of the Starving Class Элла Тейт
1995 Ангус Angus мама
1996 Война в доме The War at Home Морин Колллиер
1996 Дьяволицы Diabolique детектив Ширли Вогал
1997 Титаник Titanic Молли Браун
1998 Основные цвета Primary Colors Либби Холден
2000 Бруно Bruno мать-настоятельница
2001 Крысиные бега Rat Race женщина, продающая белок
2002 О Шмидте About Schmidt Роберта Хертзел
2002 С любовью, Лайза Love Liza Мэри Энн Бэнкхед (тёща героя)
2002 Стрекоза Dragonfly мисис Беймонт
2004 Вокруг света за 80 дней Around the World in 80 Days Королева Виктория
2004 Мост короля Людовика Святого Bridge of San Luis Rey, The Маркиза
2004 Маленькая чёрная книжка Little Black Book Киппи Канн
2005 Ходят слухи Rumor Has It Мими
2003—2005 Клиент всегда мёртв Six Feet Under Беттин
2006 Паутина Шарлотты Charlotte’s Web Битси (голос)
2006 Любовь и прочие неприятности Failure to Launch Сью
2006 Странные родственники Relative Strangers Агнесс Маньюр
2007 Би Муви: Медовый заговор Bee Movie Джанет Бенсон (голос)
2007 Фред Клаус, брат Санты Fred Claus мать Клауса
2007 Золотой компас The Golden Compass Хэстер (голос)
2007 P.S. Я люблю тебя P.S. I Love You Патриша Роули
2008 День, когда Земля остановилась The Day the Earth Stood Still Министр обороны США
2008 Личное Personal Effects Глория
2008 Дорога перемен Revolutionary Road миссис Хелен Гивингс
2008 Семья охотников The Family That Preys Шарлотта Картрайт
2009 Невидимая сторона The Blind Side мисс Сью
2009 Алиса в Стране чудес Alice Королева Червей
2009 Шери Chéri Мадам Пелу
2010 День Святого Валентина Valentine’s Day Сюзан
2010—2011 Офис The Office Джо Беннетт
2011—2012 Закон Хэрри Harry’s Law Гэрриэт Корн
2011 Полночь в Париже Midnight in Paris Гертруда Стайн
2014 Тэмми Tammy Ленор

Acting Career, Movies & TV Shows

Katy is a talented actress and television personality. As per the media reports, Katy started her acting career in theatre plays and stage shows. She is also a professional theatre artist. Not only this, but she also performed in lots of theatre shows. After that, she started giving auditions for movies and TV shows. Saunders got selected for the role of Young Sibilla in A Scandalous Journey (2002).

As per IMDb, she got selected by director Michele Placido. After that, she appeared in lots of other projects like The Lizzie McGuire Movie (2003), Che ne sarà di noi (2004), Law & Order (2004), Follow Your Dreams (2011), The Scorpion King: Book of Souls (2018), and others.

Katy Saunders with co-stars

Apart from being an actress, Katy is also a model and social media influencer. She also appeared on the cover pages of lots of magazines. Saunders also collaborated with many famous brands. Besides this, Katy also received various awards for her amazing talent. She also appeared in short movies.

Biography, Early Life & Education

Katy was born on Saturday, July 21, 1984, in London, England, United Kingdom. As per the sources, Katy was raised in Milan, Italy. She is a Christian. Let me tell you that, Katy Saunders is 38 years old (as of 2022). This lady celebrates her birthday on the 21st of every July. Katy is a well-educated lady.

She attended a local high school for her schooling. Later, she attended Bocconi’s Business Administration Academy for her higher studies. Apart from this, she is also an alumnus of Bocconi University. Besides this, Katy also learned professional acting skills from a renowned acting institute. After that, he began working in the acting industry.

About Actress, Katy Louise Saunders

According to the sources, Katy Louise is a famous actress and television personality. She also appeared in lots of television shows and movies. Katy made her acting debut in 2002 with the movie A Scandalous Journey. Later, she was featured on various other projects such as Tre metri sopra il cielo, Law & Order, Follow Your Dreams, and many more.

She is also a professional theatre artist. Let me tell you that, Katy also performed in various theatre plays and stage shows. She is also best known for her recurring role as Giorgia in the television mini-series Follow Your Dreams. Saunders also earned huge fame in the industry.

She also received lots various awards for her exceptional talent. According to Wikipedia, she also attended Bocconi University to learn more about acting and modeling. Saunders also earned huge fame in the industry.

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